<aside> 🎨 Educator making and amplifying stories through any medium. Photography, filmmaking, sound art & installations, sound for film & TV, narrative radio. I care a lot about how learning and knowledge flows between us and is built collectively by a community.
<aside> 💡 Let’s work together – contact me
<aside> 💼 Facilitator and futurist designing learning experiences, teaching better teamwork and soft skills for quiet & unconventional leadership and deep collaboration
<aside> 🤖
Jump to “work work” (Zaccary’s 9-to-5 fixations)
<aside> 💼 I lead projects to expand mindsets, manage change, and tangibly plan for the future; I lead a team that manages IT, data, and infrastructure
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This website is half calling card, half diary, half portfolio, and half attestation to the fact that I can’t do math.
$$ \Huge\textbf{\textsf{"2024"}} \\ \large\texttt{a year of}\\ \large\texttt{mild adventure} $$